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EU Customs & Global Trade Member's Monitor - Week 16

Always one step ahead of legislation in customs and global trade changes. Our specialists have reviewed the key changes of Week 16


  • EU Hazardous Chemicals Law Changes Soon

  • No more problems with GSP imports of glass fibres from Asia

  • Imports of textile products from Bangladesh

  • That's a lot of garlic

No longer, "Oh, I had no idea."

We all know that EU customs and worldwide trade rules change on a weekly basis. This may be a headache for any firm, but especially for companies that operate on a global scale. If you ship items throughout the world without taking into account the most recent government changes, your imports, and exports may suffer. As a result, your business can easily end up with massive paperwork and delays.

For Your Eyes Only

But, owing to this expert blog update, we now generate a weekly email exclusively for users who subscribe to our subscription plan. This update is not available to either newsletter subscribers or regular members. This weekly newsletter is jam-packed with valuable information and advice on how to properly and legally handle your imports, as well as a breakdown of all customs and global trade developments, so you know you'll only get relevant information that can benefit your business.

Why check the Official Journal of the EU?

Some of our members have inquired why we keep a weekly eye on the "Official Journal of the European Union is the European Union" for our members. It is, after all, the EU's official publication. Every day, it is published in all the official languages of the member nations. Acts published in the Official Journal are the only ones that are legally binding.

Each issue offers a review of new European Union laws, directives, regulations, and decisions. Because the EU "runs" the Customs Union and has unique competencies in trade agreements, as well as law-making powers over EU export restrictions and sanctions, changes to EU legislation tend to affect both EU and non-EU enterprises. As a result, reviewing law developments on a weekly basis is a great idea.

⇒ Tip: Scroll to the bottom to see which "editions" we evaluated for you last week. You may access each edition directly by clicking on the issue - they are hyperlinked.

So, what have we found?

Customs Codes change in Hazardous Chemicals Law + More

The EU has revised the classification of chemicals mentioned in an amendment to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 concerning the export and import of hazardous chemicals (recast) due to WCO HS and EU UCC Customs Tariff changes. These modifications were made in the two Annexes.

In addition to updating the customs codes, the amendment makes changes to the listing of pesticides, industrial chemicals, persistent organic pollutants and mercury. It changes the Annexes that list certain chemicals which are subject to notification or prohibition. For example, the EU prohibits the export of mercury, so this is now reflected in this regulation.

The base law implements the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade. As you may know, the Rotterdam Convention is a multinational pact that encourages shared responsibility in the import of certain hazardous substances. It went into effect on February 24, 2004. The agreement was approved during a meeting in Rotterdam, Netherlands, in 1998. Representatives from almost 150 nations also attended the meeting.

Note: The date for entry into force has not yet been set

No more problems with GSP imports of glass fibres from Asia

In 2015, the EU told businesses that there were doubts that the proofs of origin under the GSP scheme presented with imports of "open mesh fabrics of glass fibres" of HS subheadings

  • 7019 40,

  • 7019 51, and

  • 7019 59

were legit.

The GSP countries in scope were Group I – Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar/Burma and Group III – Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.

The EU now indicated that whatever problems there were seem to be taken care of using the new REX system. Find out more

Imports of textile products from Bangladesh

In 2015, a notification was issued in the EU OJ. It warned importers to be cautious since certain textiles from Bangladesh may not have been manufactured there. However, the erroneous evidence of origin showed that they did, and as a result, they were permitted to enter the nation for free. This worry has since been legally alleviated with the abolition of GSP Form A and the implementation of the REX system.

That's a lot of garlic

Unless preferential treatment under GSP can be obtained, EU importers of garlic must pay tax when bringing merchandise under tariff heading CN 0703 20 00 into the EU. The EU issued a warning in 2015 about the presence of bogus origin certificates that made it look as if the garlic came from GSP nations, allowing for cheaper imports. As a result, the EU stepped in and warned importers, "If you claim your garlic comes from outside the EU, you may face customs problems." The official notification has now been withdrawn in 2022, as a result of the REX system's operation and the abolition of Form A. Read the Notice

The legislation we reviewed for you

22/04/2022 L121C168C169

21/04/2022 L119L120C167C167A 20/04/2022L118C166

19/04/2022 L117C163C164C165


Nothing to report


Nothing to report


No update available


Please contact us using the chat if you have any questions regarding these updates. Schedule a free consultation with your dedicated Customs Manager anytime here

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