We monitor EU and UK legislation, so our client’s don’t have to. Find out what changed with our PLM - Professional Legislative Monitoring.
EU Legislation we looked at this week
24/09/2021 L339 L340 L341 C387 C388 C389
23/09/2021 L336 L337 L338 C386 C386A
22/09/2021 L334 L335 C384 C384I C385
21/09/2021 L332 L333 C383
20/09/2021 L330 L331 C380 C380I C381 C382
17/09/2021 L329 C375 C376 C377 C378 C379
We also looked through the press releases of the EU Commission, scanned DG TAXUD and DG Trade website for you.
UK Legislation we looked at this week
Updates on
legislation.gov and
import, export, customs and export control guidance updates published on gov.uk.
We looked through the websites of
Cabinet Office,
House of Parliament (Commons and Lords).
Do you operate in other countries, too? Do you need to monitor legislation elsewhere? Let Us do it for you
Switzerland, Norway, US, Australia, Canada, Israel, Russia, Africa...wherever your business is and imports to or exports from, legislation and practices in Customs & Global Trade can change. Let us keep an eye on it for you. We monitor legislation for some of the largest companies on a weekly basis, and we can do it for you!
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1. UK Food, Feed & Plants Import Controls from 2022
In the UK, SPS import controls, due to start on 1 October 2021, were pushed down the road. We dedicate a three-part blog series to this change, which we roll out throughout September. Read part one, here. NEW: Read part two here.
IPAFFS Walkthrough
Arne walks you through the IPAFFS pre-notification form in a new video
NEW: Our IPAFFS Pre-notification and EHC Filing Support Service for food importers
Find out more here
Top Tip: Live or On-Demand SPS training by Customs Manager Ltd.
2. EU: SPS import measures and certificates change
Over in the EU, there have been changes to the import requirements for brining certain animal and animal products into the EU.
3. New EU GSP: EU publishes new GSP rules proposals
GSP allows businesses to cut import duties of imported products from vulnerable countries if conditions are met, argues Arne Mielken of Customs Manager Ltd
We cover GSP in the following training
Or join our next free webinar on 21 October 2021
4. UK GSP: Conditions to meet to obtain "originating" status to claim preference
UK law specifies the rules surrounding claiming preference under the GSP arrangements and how products can "originate". We summarize and provide a link to the law (S,P)
5. EU, UK and other countries: Correctly completing EU certificates of origin for free(er) trade
(S,P) Templates + a Guide on how to complete the EUR-1 and EUR-Med movement certificate for businesses
6. EU Export Controls: ICP: Internal compliance programmes for controls of research involving dual-use item
An effective, uniform and consistent system of export controls on dual-use items are necessary to promote EU and international security, says EU (S.P)
Download EU, US and German ICP for free
We are currently running a Dual Use 821 Clinic to update the trade community on these changes. Book your ticket here:
7. Trade with the UK as a business based in the EU (UK Gov Collection)
If you run an EU-based business, check what your business needs to know to continue trading with the UK.
8. Four Years of EU-CETA - EU - Canada Free Trade Agreement: How businesses gain better access and save real cash!
In September 2021, the agreement is four years old. Time to recall why this agreement secures better market access and saves real money to businesses. This series has three parts: Part 1: How businesses gain better access and save real cash Part 2: EU Exporters to Canada: How to secure zero duty trade in three easy steps Part 3: Summary of the CETA agreement (S,P) + Download Rules of Origin and Interpretative Guidance (P) Blog articles followed by S require a Starter Premium Support Plan subscription to access, blog entries followed by P require a Premium Support Plan subscription to access.
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About Customs Manager Ltd.
Working with us means having a Customs Advisor, Global Trade Expert and Export Controls Consultant, on speed-dial. If you are looking for a customs consultant UK and EU, let us help you trade effectively, efficiently and, of course, compliantly, wherever you want to go in the world.
Need to stay up-to-date with changing customs and global trade rules? We monitor legislation so our clients don't have to. Learn about all changes in our fresh expert blog, join exclusive briefings and ask any questions 24/7 through to the VIP hotline. Or sign up to our no-charge, insightful newsletter.
Entrust us with your training needs and help us to upskill you and your teams in English, German, French and Spanish. We offer pubic and private live, in-house and on-demand (study from anywhere and anytime) courses.
To complete our support for globally trading businesses, we are also a UK Customs Broker. We act as a customs clearance agent on behalf of many EU and UK businesses, assisting with customs documentation and all other formalities to ensure the customs clearance of our goods. Whether you’re seeking a long-term partner to look after your customs clearance or require support for a one-off shipment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss your requirements.
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