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Customs & Global Trade Law Monitor - Week 11

(P) We monitor customs and global trade legislation changes, so our subscribers and clients don't have to. Changes for Week 11

This blog entry is available for one year and will be replaced by the subsequent entry for week 11 next year. This blog entry describes the customs and global trade changes for the EU and the UK. For other jurisdictions, please get in touch.

European Union Customs & Global Trade Law Changes




UK Customs & Global Trade Law Changes

Taking humanitarian aid out of Great Britain to support Ukraine Check if you can send goods for humanitarian aid purposes using a simplified customs process. The section ‘check if you can use a simplified customs process’ has been updated to confirm that before you travel you must remove any human medicines (where you do not have a licence to distribute).

79 entries amended on the consolidated list

79 entries have been amended on the consolidated list and remain subject to an asset freeze. On 18 March 2022 the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office updated the UK Sanctions List on GOV.UK. This list provides details of those designated under regulations made under the Sanctions Act. Amendments have been made to entries under the following financial sanctions regimes: Belarus; Chemical Weapons; Cyber, Russia and Zimbabwe. The relevant notices can be found on the respective regime pages. Further, 2 duplicate entries have also been removed from the Russia financial sanctions regime. The original listings/asset freezes for VOROBIOV, Yuri Leonidovich (Group ID: 13103) and TOKAREVA, Maiya Nikolaevna (Group ID: 14765) continue to apply and only the duplicate listings (Group ID: 14952 and Group ID: 14772) have been removed. OFSI’s consolidated list of asset freeze targets has been updated to reflect these changes.

SPS Measures: Applying Groupage Models for EU-GB Imports from 1 July 2022

Ahead of the new import controls being introduced from July 2022, we want to share the groupage models that can be applied to consignments being imported from the European Union into Great Britain.

-> GB: POAO-SPS from EU to UK - Expert Guidance & details FAQs for Professionals

(P) On 1 July 2022, SPS rules for export health certificates kick in. Access detailed expert guidance and downloads for POAO and other goods

-> UK: GB Export Health Certificates required from 1 July 2021 from EU - Essentials to know (FREE) 1 July 2021 changes are coming into effect for products of animal origin (POAO) from the European Union (EU) into Great Britain (GB).

-> Training on SPS: Importing food and drink into the EU or UK, including Traces and IPAFSS (FREE) On 1 July 2022, the UK will enforce veterinary official documentary controls. Learn how to complete Export Health Certificates correctly, completely and timely and notify IT systems IPAFFS and TRACES. Training for all:

-> Our IPAFFS Pre-notification and EHS Filing Support Service for food importers (S) Food, Plant, POAO traders can use our expertise and staff to pre-notify DEFRA of their food, animal, high-risk and plant products. Get in touch to get started!

UK Trade Tariff: duty suspensions and tariff quotas Temporary duty suspensions and tariff quotas for importing goods into the UK. Additional duties on Russian and Belarusian imports

Economic Sanctions against Russia

The UK has today announced new economic sanctions against Russia.

The new sanctions will deny Russia and Belarus access to Most Favoured Nation tariffs for hundreds of their exports and ban UK exports of high-end luxury goods to both countries. The full press release can be viewed here.

In addition, UK Export Finance has announced it will no longer issue any new guarantees, loans and insurance for exports to Russia and Belarus, whilst retaining £3.5 billion of financial support for trade to Ukraine. You can view the press release here. Upcoming webinar:

HMG officials are hosting a webinars for businesses about the recent changes to UK sanctions relating to Russia.

  • UK sanctions against Russia, Thursday 24 March, 14:00 – 15:30 GMT The webinar will cover; the scope of sanctions, scope and application of trade sanctions; financial sanctions: restrictions and general licenses; the Export Support Service and enforcement of trade sanctions. Further details can be found here, and you can register here.

UKMPG Interactive Map

Cabinet Office and Defra have worked with UKMPG to produce an interactive BCP map showing existing commodity designations and planned designations for 1 July. The PHAs and BCP operators consented to the map being published by UKMPG, which you can view by clicking here. The map will continue to be updated as more information on BCPs becomes available. As a disclaimer, It should be noted that inclusion on this map does not infer any future guarantee that these ports will be designated as BCPs. Whilst this will enable you to start planning your routes for imports, we stress that no commercial decision or other form of reliance should be taken upon these details until designation is confirmed. Any plans made are entirely at your own risk. We accept no liability for reliance on such a map . We are signposting to this information and requests for further detail must be directed to the relevant PHA or BCP operator. Defra is unable to respond to questions in respect of designation until the process is complete. We will update stakeholders as and when a BCP is designated and the list of designated BCPs will be updated on Gov.UK. The map and the information displayed is under constant review. Please check back frequently to ensure the data is up-to-date and relevant to your circumstances.

New Import Controls for Animal Products

From July 2022, certification, documentary, ID and physical checks are being introduced for animal products from the European Union (EU) into Great Britain (GB).

Following the introduction of pre-notification on 1 January 2022 for most animal products, we want to start providing businesses with information ahead of further import controls being introduced from July.

To help you prepare, we will be running a series of webinars and Q&A sessions that will provide detailed information on the steps you need to take to continue importing animal products from the EU. You have the opportunity to submit up to three questions when you register and we will aim to cover these in the webinar.

Registration is now open for the following webinars:

Importing meat and meat products from the EU into GB

Date: 26/04/2022

Time: 10.00am - 12.00pm

Importing animal by-products from the EU into GB

Date: 28/04/2022

Time: 2.00pm – 4.00pm

We will also be running webinars on other animal product topics such as dairy, fish and composites and will communicate these dates soon.

Summary of upcoming changes:

From 1 July 2022, most animal products will need to enter Great Britain via a point of entry that has a border control post (BCP) designated to receive those goods. This applies even where goods are not subject to certification, ID and physical checks until later in the timetable.

From 1 July an Export Health Certificate will be needed for

  • All meat and meat products 

  • All remaining regulated animal by-products

These will also be subject to documentary, ID and physical checks.

From 1 September an Export Health Certificate will be needed for

  • All dairy products

These will also be subject to documentary, ID and physical checks.

From 1 November an Export Health Certificate will be needed for

  • All remaining regulated products of animal origin including fish and most composites

These will also be subject to documentary, ID and physical checks.

View these import controls as a visual snapshot

Please note: the above changes do not apply to goods entering Great Britain from Northern Ireland.

Useful Information

This section provides you with links to the information you may find useful.

  • There is a dedicated Imports microsite that holds information (FAQs, process maps, guidance documentation) relating to import controls. You will need to be granted access to this site, please click on the link above and we will grant you access.

  • View all import controls currently in force and upcoming requirements as a visual snapshot on the imports microsite

  • Six factsheets have been developed to provide you with key information about the upcoming changes across several commodities. Visit the microsite to view the Animal imports fact sheets

  • Find out more about Importing food and drink from the EU to Great Britain on

Border Bulletin

2022-03-18 Borders Weekly Stakeholder Bulletin
Download PDF • 122KB

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